(c) 2023 Owen R Fonorow
Health Care “Fake News” Has Been Around for a Very Long time…
By Owen Fonorow – President – Vitamin C Foundation
The US, and hence, the entire world’s health care system is badly broken. Everyone knows that.
More, even isolated segments of the world’s population are beginning to figure our what’s wrong with health care, and what needs to be done to fix it.
Unnecessary deaths are happening, and they have happened for over 20 years. But the system ignores this simple fact – and goes on raking in the cash.
What if, besides the 800,000 deaths…?
Another 62 million Americans are being deliberately poisoned and maimed to fill the pockets of foreign pharmaceutical companies?
EPA rules have been manipulated to move strategic interests out of the United States?
There are agents of a foreign enemy first maiming, then killing, Americans from the inside the U. S. Government — killing Americans after first draining them of all their assets from unnecessary medical expenses.
Harsh words? Keep reading…
This BIG LIE campaign to kill Americans documented below is propped up by an orchestrated propaganda campaign fostered by Big Pharma advertising revenues.
The Great Suppression of American Alternative Medicine…
Chapter 1 – An Opinion
Our government makes laws that say only “drugs” can prevent, mitigate, treat, cure, or diagnosis disease. Real drugs don’t generally do these things; they are, in fact, toxic and poisonous, which is why they require a prescription from a medical doctor.
There are a few exceptions such as natural hormone replacements, e.g., hydrocortisone, insulin, some antibiotics, and few others that are usually not profitable.
The profitable drugs are designed to perpetuate disease. Why?
Big Pharma and Big Medicine profit from chronic illness, not cures.
It’s a crime, in America, for a company or individual to tell the truth on a web site about a vitamin: Doing so risks, guns drawn, FDA criminal enforcement.
Case in point: The Vitamin C Foundation nonprofit had hundreds of studies about the “vitamin’s” ability to prevent, mitigate, treat, and even cure serious disease.
Last year’s FDA letter to the Vitamin Foundation forced it to eviscerate its web site, take down these links to the science, or go out of business.
This information has long revealed a simple, effective and outright cure invented by one of the world’s leading scientists for America’s number one killer.
If this information had been publicized twenty years ago when it should have been, almost 20 million Americans would still be living, and the 62 million Americans diagnosed with cardiovascular disease would not be squandering their money for their treatments by a Big Pharma den of thieves.
The Big Lie Propaganda Campaign Against Medical Alternatives
Prediction: When Pharmaceutical media advertising dries up, going the way of cigarette advertising, the problem of Big Media’s participation in the Big Lie will end.
Many years before writing the following “PROPAGANDA DISGUISED AS NEWS” article, which was published in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, I was having lunch in a Chicago office building.
I started talking with a colleague who shared with me her knowledge of how the CIA manipulates the press to mold public opinion. She may have been a reporter herself. She said the CIA feeds reporters false news stories. If a reporter wants to keep the source in the CIA, the reporter submits the story for publication. For example, if the United States is planning to take military action against some country, the CIA feeds fake news accounts of atrocities in that country to build public support.
This data literally blew my naive mind: I had never considered the possibility of such a thing.
After waking up and seeing how the media is manipulated, we began to observe more.
In the TALE OF TWO STORIES, we outlined one case in which a major study of vitamin C’s value in treating arthritis was headed off at the pass by the story of a fake study, which appeared first. The news then became Vitamin C wasn’t very useful for arthritis. When the real story appeared days later, with the opposite result, it did not receive any press.
Lastly, we noticed that disparaging Linus Pauling “stories” routinely appeared just days before major dates in Pauling’s life, e.g., his birthday, or the anniversaries of his Nobel prizes.
The preemptive debunking strikes were apparently aimed at any wayward enterprising reporter who might be thinking of writing a positive story about Pauling.
We here a lot about “Fake News” these days…
But those of us in health care have seen it all for a very long time. Big Pharma controls our media.
We need to drain the swamp.
By Owen Fonorow – President – Vitamin C Foundation