"All heart patients should be on sizeable daily doses of vitamin C." - Thomas Levy, MD, JD, Cardiologist
With Vitamin C, Lysine, and Proline and more...
The essential nutrients that Linus Pauling recommended to prevent and treat heart disease are available without prescription in every drug store in America. (See: How to Get Started w/the Pauling Therapy and How to Determine the Dosage of Vitamin C).Pills do work, however, the large pharmacologic dosages recommended by Linus Pauling require scores of pills (along with their assorted fillers). As people age, pills are simply hard to take. The drink mixes make it easy to follow Pauling's advice. They are pleasant tasting, they are sweetened with the herb Stevia, they have no other excipients, they have the "right kind" of vitamin C, and they have an outstanding track record. (See: Pauling Therapy Testimonials). Note: If you are just finding this page for the first time, do not delay. You can get started right away by purchasing vitamin C and lysine pills at the drug store.
Follow the links for more detailed information and to order.
Product | Description | Relative Cost/Supplier |
CardioAde | Economy - Vitamin C and Lysine drink mix (intended for recent bypass patients) | ($0.32/g) Tower Laboratories |
Cardio-C | Prevention - Top selling drink mix. Adds proline. | ($0.36/g) Vitamin C FDND Approved® |
HeartTechnology | Complete - Best Selling PT drink mix. Adds vitamins E, A and other nutrients recommended by Linus Pauling | ($.44/g) Tower Laboratories |
Ascorsine-9 | High Potency - Everything in one drink. (The A9 formula was designed for Tower Labs by Owen Fonorow.) | ($.66/g) Tower Laboratories |
Ascorbade | High Powered Maintenance - Like A-9, w/less proline, more Arginine for HGH stimulation | ($.79/g) Vitamin C FNDN Approved® |
How To Select the Right Product
All our products feature Linus Pauling's two main recommendations: Lots of vitamin C and the amino acid lysine to neutralize Lp(a) cholesterol. These products are all Lp(a) binding inhibitors. The history of these products might make the reasons for (and differences in them) easier to understand.The very first product introduced by entrepreneur William Decker, founder of Tower Laboratories, in 1994 was Heart Technology. Spectacular success stories began from almost the moment this product hit the market. Decker was a personal friend of Linus Pauling, formed the company to sell this product, and he included other ingredients Linus Pauling had long recommended for cardiovascular disease, e.g. vitamins A and E. Owen met Decker, and became the first distributor of Tower Laboratories.
While Heart Technology worked, and worked well, it became apparent to Owen (who spent a great deal of time on the phone in those days) that several other supplements should be added to the basic mix. All heart patients should be supplementing was magnesium, but there were others, equally important, including CoQ10, carnitine, creatine, etc. Tower agreed, and they introduced the nutrient packed Ascorsine 9 drink mix.
Some of Tower's customers requested a simple product, with only vitamin C and lysine and perhaps proline. Often this request was because they were taking their own preferred form of one of the other ingredients, e.g. vitamin E. Tower decided not to expand its product line with a simpler product. Thus Owen's Vitamin C Foundation developed and introduced Cardio-C - with only vitamin C, lysine and proline.
Tower seeing the market for Cardio-C, decided to introduce CardioAde which does not have proline, which may be a potential issue for recent cardiac bypass patients. The Vitamin C Foundation then introduced a very high-end product (with even more ingredients than Ascorsine-9) that is designed for long-term maintenance, AscorbAde.
Product Descriptions
All of our products eliminate pills making it easier to comply with Pauling's recommendations.CardioAde

A double-strength Vitamin C/Lysine Pauling-therapy drink mix designed for economical therapeutic use.
Ingredient | Dose/Serving |
Vitamin C | 5000 mg |
Lysine | 5000 mg |
Product Description
30 servings per jar
Retail Price - $68.57
Autoship Price - $48.00
Autoship cost/gram vitamin C - $0.32 cents
Sample CardioAde @ 30% off Retail


A Vitamin C Foundation approved Pauling-therapy drink mix w/Proline designed for prevention.
Ingredient | Dose/Serving |
Vitamin C | 2500 mg |
Lysine | 2500 mg |
Proline | 500 mg |
30 servings per jar
Retail Price - $39.45
Autoship Price - $27.45
Autoship cost/gram vitamin C - $0.36 cents
Owen's Pauling Therapy Store

Vitamin C Foundation
Detailed Cardio-C Product Description
A Complete Vitamin C/Lysine/proline plus antioxidants Pauling-therapy drink mix designed for preventive/therapeutic use.

Detailed Cardio-C Product Description
Ingredient | Dose/Serving |
Vitamin C | 3000 mg |
Lysine | 2800 mg |
Proline | 400 mg |
Antioxidants | see label |
30 servings per jar
Retail Price - $56.50
Autoship Price - $39.55
Autoship cost/gram vitamin C - $0.44 cents
Sample HeartTechnology @ 30% off Retail

Purchase HeartTechnology Monthly Autoship Direct from Tower Labs w/Owen as Sponsor

Detailed Heart Technology Product Description

A high-potency Vitamin C/Lysine/proline and antioxidant/amino acid Pauling-therapy drink mix designed for professional use.
Ingredient | Dose/Serving |
Vitamin C | 3000 mg |
Lysine | 2800 mg |
Proline | 500 mg |
Creatine/Magnesium | 844 mg |
Chrondroitin Sulphate/C | 1000 mg |
Taurine/CoQ10/Carnitine,more | See label |
30 servings per jar
Retail Price - $85.64
Autoship Price - $59.95
Autoship cost/gram vitamin C - $0.66 cents
Sample Ascorsine-9 @ 30% off Retail

Purchase Ascorsine-9 Monthly Autoship Direct from Tower Labs w/Owen as Sponsor
Detailed Ascorsine-9 Product Description

A high-potency Vitamin C Foundation approved antioxidant/amino acid Pauling-therapy drink mix designed for long-term maintenance.
Ingredient | Dose/Serving |
Vitamin C | 4000 mg |
Lysine | 1200 mg |
Arginine Pyrogluatamate | 1200 mg |
Proline | 500 mg |
Creatine/Magnesium | 844 mg |
Taurine/CoQ10/Carnitine,more | See label |
Product Description
30 servings per jar
Retail Price - $133.50
Autoship Price - $94.40
Autoship cost/gram vitamin C - $0.79 cents
Order Online 24/7 or call us at 877-869-3752 (Let them know Owen sent you.)
Place your order for Tower HeartTechnology products and Vitamin C Foundation Cardio-C products from us here
Discounts for Tower products good on first time retail sales only and
NOT monthly autoships.
If you prefer calling, the Tower order line number is 877-869-3752 and we will help you place your first-time Tower order and get the discount.
VITAMIN C FOUNDATION (vitamincfoundation.org)
Cardio-C and
on-line directly from the Vitamin C Foundation. (Or call VCF at 800-894-9025).
TOWER LABORATORIES DIRECT (towerlaboratories.com)
Mention Owen when you register at or call Tower directly. Please use
> this link to order directly from Tower. Registered users may receive a 30% discount on their first Retail order. If in doubt, call Tower at 877-869-3752 and we'll place the first order for you.
Call Tower Laboratories Direct at 877-869-3752 to ORDER and save 30% on first retail (non autoship) Tower Laboratories purchase (By mentioning Owen sent you.)
Will two daily glasses of 'juice' end their pain? Find out in 10 days.
The magic of the Tower HeartTechnology or Vitamin C Foundation Cardio-C drink mixes is easy to verify.
It only takes about a month on these tasty drinks for most heart patients to feel almost normal.
Why not find out for yourself if Linus Pauling was right?
Tower Laboratories is still in business after 18 years because these drinks not only work, they work better than equivalent dosages of vitamin C and lysine in pills.
"The reasons I like the Tower Labs Ascorsine-9 formula and the A. C. Grace
Unique E
brand of vitamin E is because:
I know they work . They work, and together they correct "bad" EKGs so rapidly as to be almost beyond belief. This is a fact that most patients with "damaged hearts" and their doctors can determine for themselves. - Owen Fonorow
I first learned about
soon after
the Townsend Letter published one of my articles on the Pauling therapy.
One day, two independent medical doctors from different parts of the country called with the same story and asking what I knew about the
A. C. Grace vitamin E product.
Both doctors told me that they had put patients with evidence of a damaged heart as measured by EKG on
And both told me that within a month or two, their patient's EKGs no longer showed heart damage.
I called A. C. Grace and was called back by Roy Erickson, the 92-year old CEO.
Roy credited the form of vitamin E in Unique-E with saving his life after several heart attacks.
He told me that he had purchased the company to preserve the unique
but expensive manufacturing process after price competition from inferior brands almost drove the company out of business.
Roy explained that the proper dosages was 2000 IU (5 - 400 IU Unique-E capsules) in the a.m.
(Roy also noted that you can taste the difference. He suggested biting the capsule. Unique-E has no rancidity, where oils used in inferior brands are or quickly become rancid and taste bitter.)
Not long after that, Carol Smith called to report another heart attack, this time with "terrible" EKGS. She had been feeling so good that she had stopped her Pauling-therapy/Heart Technology, and six months later had the heart attack.
With the conversation with Roy fresh in mind, and knowing how important the extra orthomolecular ingredients in the Tower A-9 formula are for proper heart function, I explained what I had learned, and suggested that she start using both A-9 and Unique-E in therapeutic dosages. Carol agreed and she was already scheduled for another EKG in 3 months.
The rest, as they say, is
I know that there are other excellent brands of vitamin E, and vitamin C, several with more factors and ingredients. No doubt these products at the proper dosages would also have the same
beneficial effects on reversing bad EKGs.
However, I know there is something
really unique about the original A. C. Grace vitamin E product.
So until I have copies of
before/after EKGs.
like Carols, or until I receive several confirming
reports from independent doctors from doctors around the country reporting similar EKG results with other brands,
I say why take chances? I recommend that which I know really works." - Owen Fonorow
DISCLAIMER. Owen is not affiliated with or remunerated by A.C. Grace/Unique-E.
Owen does participate as a distributor in the Tower Laboratories network
marketing program.
He designed the Ascorsine-9 formula. (Owen recommended the additional ingredients that Tower agreed to add to their basic Tower Heart Technology formula.)
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.